Senin, 31 Oktober 2016
True / False
1. ___ Line: This is used to draw a regular straight line.
2. ___ Arc: This tool can create an arc from two points and a drag.
3. ___ Freehand: This allows the user to scribble and create a freehand figure.
4. ___ Circle: The user can make rectangle.
5. ___ Polygon: Polygons are constructed in much the same way as circles; they are clicked and dragged.
6. ___ Rectangle: This tool is used to make circles.
7. ___ 3D Text: This tool allows the user to create 2D text, with customizable fonts, sizes, and formatting.
8. ___ On Januari 2007, Google established Sketchup 6.
9. ___ Push/Pull: The push/pull is a tool that grabs a two-dimensional surface and pushes or pulls it into three dimensions.
10. ___ Move: The user's mouse can select and move pieces on the three different axes or on some combination of the three.
1. Awalnya SketchUp dikembangkan oleh _________ yang berlokasi di Boulder, Colorado.
2. yang didirikan pada tahun _____ oleh founder Brad Schell dan Joe Esch.
3. Rilis SketchUp pertama kali adalah pada _______ 2000 dengan
4. mengedepankan slogan "___________"
5. Pada 9 Januari 2007, Google merilis _________.
6. Pada rilis ini terdapat tool yang memungkinkan kita untuk mengupload gambar ke __________.
7. Pada 9 _______ 2007, Google merilis update untuk maintenance dan memperbaiki beberapa bug.
7. Pada 9 _______ 2007, Google merilis update untuk maintenance dan memperbaiki beberapa bug.
8. Kemudian pada 17 Nopember 2008, __________ dirilis.
9. __________ merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak software yang berfungsi untuk membuat gambar 3D (3 dimensi).
10. Pada __________ pertama tahun 2000 SketchUp memenangkan penghargaan Community Choice Award.
9. __________ merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak software yang berfungsi untuk membuat gambar 3D (3 dimensi).
10. Pada __________ pertama tahun 2000 SketchUp memenangkan penghargaan Community Choice Award.
1. Pan a. To change perspective in circle
2. Orbit b. To make 3D for 2D shapes
3. Push and Pull c. To make circle shape
4. Paint d. To make octagon/pentagon
5. Pointer e. To change persperctive from left to right
6. Move tool f. To fill shapes with colours
7. Polygon tool g. To select shapes
8. Square tool h. To moke shapes/lines
9. Circle tool i. To make square shape
Senin, 24 Oktober 2016
1. What is Sketchup?
a. Student"s game
b. 3D modeling computer program for a wide range of drawing applications
c. To draw 2D modeling
d. To draw rectangle
e. To draw triangle
2. The function of line tool
a. to make rectagle
b. to make circle
c. to design a house
d. to make a straight line
e. to make triangle
3. When did google sketchup established?
a. May 2000
b. Januari 1999
c. August 2000
d. Januari 2000
e. December 1999
4. Who first bought sketchup?
a. @last software
b. apple
c. samsung
d. microsoft
e. oppo
5. the co-founder of sketchup
a. Tommy hallen
b. Jonathan lee
c. Brad Schell and Joe Esch
d. Jake Broad and Lee Jay
e. John Allen
6. What is the function of paint bucket?
a. to make line
b. to select the shape
c. to colour the shape
d. to make circle
e. to make rectangle
7. The paid version of sketchup
a. sketchup 1
b. sketchup 7
c. sketchup pro
d. sketchup 5
e. sketchup 9
8. Function of free hand di sketchup
a. To make free line
b. to make circle
c. to make triangle
d. to make rectangle
e. to make polygon
9."This allows the user to scribble and create a freehand figure." is the function of
a. line
b. freehand
c. polygon
d. circle
e. 3D text
10. These are drawing tools, except...
a. line
b. rectangle
c. circle
d. polygon
e. push and pull
a. Student"s game
b. 3D modeling computer program for a wide range of drawing applications
c. To draw 2D modeling
d. To draw rectangle
e. To draw triangle
2. The function of line tool
a. to make rectagle
b. to make circle
c. to design a house
d. to make a straight line
e. to make triangle
3. When did google sketchup established?
a. May 2000
b. Januari 1999
c. August 2000
d. Januari 2000
e. December 1999
4. Who first bought sketchup?
a. @last software
b. apple
c. samsung
d. microsoft
e. oppo
5. the co-founder of sketchup
a. Tommy hallen
b. Jonathan lee
c. Brad Schell and Joe Esch
d. Jake Broad and Lee Jay
e. John Allen
6. What is the function of paint bucket?
a. to make line
b. to select the shape
c. to colour the shape
d. to make circle
e. to make rectangle
7. The paid version of sketchup
a. sketchup 1
b. sketchup 7
c. sketchup pro
d. sketchup 5
e. sketchup 9
8. Function of free hand di sketchup
a. To make free line
b. to make circle
c. to make triangle
d. to make rectangle
e. to make polygon
9."This allows the user to scribble and create a freehand figure." is the function of
a. line
b. freehand
c. polygon
d. circle
e. 3D text
10. These are drawing tools, except...
a. line
b. rectangle
c. circle
d. polygon
e. push and pull
Senin, 17 Oktober 2016
Mendesain Rumah Sederhana dengan Google SketchUp
kunci dasarnya: buat bentuk, tarik dan dorong, beri warna dan efek, selesai.
Mari kita mulai!
Klik di pertemuan sudut didepan gambar
wanita yang sedang berdiri, ratik ke belakang dan kesamping, nanti di
bagian Measurements akan beruban menjadi Dimension (sebelah kanan bawah)
akan ada ukuran sekian meter x sekian meter. Jika ukuran yang
diinginkan sudah pas, silahkan berhenti dan klik. Anda akan mendapat
satu bentuk persegi panjang berwarna abu-abu.
Untuk mendapat bentuk bundar, silahkan
gunakan Circle (gambar lingkaran). Untuk segi tiga dan sembarang,
silahkan gunakan Line (gambar pensil).
Sampai disini, Anda sudah berhasil
membuat satu bentuk gambar tiga dimensi (3D). Sangat mudah, bukan?!
Hanya menarik satu kali saja.
Icon/tool Orbit ini berguna untuk memutar
gambar saat Anda ingin membuat perubahan/desain pada sisi lain. Contoh:
saya akan membuat atap, maka sialhkan putar gambar seperti tadi,
posisikan bagian atas menghadap ke arah kita (bisa kelihatan dengan
jelas (lihat gambar dibawah!). Istilahnya: eye bird view (dilihat dari
atas/sudut pandang burung). Lihat gambar dibawah!
Kik icon Move (gambar anak panah
bersilang berwarna merah, arahkan saja mouse Anda ke icon-icon nanti
akan muncul namanya), tahan dan tarik keatas. Measurement akan berubah
menjadi Length, silahkan berhenti pada ketinggian atap yang Anda
Sekarang, dorong dinding (kiri) sebelah depan biar agak menjorok kebelakang sekitar dua meter.
Dorong dinding (kanan) sebelah depan biar
agak menjorok kebelakang sekitar satu meter. Apa gunanya? untuk
membuat atap depan yang menjorok keluar.
Apa gunanya? 1. Anda biasa menarik
bingkai keluar seperti kayu jendela/pintu yang menonjol. 2. Atau
mendorong kaca jendela ke dalam. 3. Memberi warna atau material yang
berbeda antara kusen kayu dengan kaca jendela, antara kusen pintu dengan
daun pintu, antara kusen ventilasi dengan lubang ventilasi, dll.
Kusen jendela ditarik sedikit keluar.
Kaca jendela didorong sedikit kedalam. Pintu diberi bentuk-bentuk
seperti persegi dan lingkaran, setelah itu sebagian ditarik dan sebagian
didorong. Hasilnya cukup mirip dengan kusen asli.
Silahkan berkreasi!
Pengertian SketchUp
SketchUp is...
SketchUp is a free 3D modelling application from Google. It allows you to create accurate diagrams of your designs in a true 3D environment.
Program function
SketchUp from @Last Software has been driven by the growing need among design professionals for a more intuitive and accessible 3D modeling program. The core of SketchUp is an interface in which the user simply draws the edges of the desired model in 3D space and the software automatically “fills” the shapes to create 3D geometry.
History of SketchUp
There was a small company named @Last Software at Boulder, Colorado. The company was co-founded by Brad Schell and Joe Esch. And then they create SketchUp in August 2000. The tagline was ‘3D for everyone’. And we know that it is really 3D for everyone.
@Last Software then developed a plug in for Google Earth and SketchUp. Attracted by this integration of SketchUp with Google Earth, Google decided to acquire this company on 14 March, 2006. "'What's New? Well, about the biggest thing ever: we've been Googled,'" wrote Brad Schell.
January 9, 2007 saw the release of SketchUp 6 featuring some new tools along with a Beta version of Google SketchUp LayOut.
On September 1, 2010 the latest version of SketchUp 8 was released. It has the improvements like geo location, match photo, color imagery and building maker integration.
Pros and Cons of SketchUp
PROS / Extremely intuitive layout makes SketchUp Pro one of the easiest CAD programs to use.
CONS / SketchUp Pro lacks many architectural tools like a house wizard and wall tool.
Interface and other tools
Design Tools
drawing software typically comes with models and symbols to get you
started. What makes SketchUp Pro unique is your access to Trimble's 3D
Warehouse, which is full of thousands of models you can download. So
although you don’t get as many models built into the software, you'll
have access to plenty of shared files and a growing number of designs.
SketchUp Pro has other built-in features such as textures, lighting
effects and animations for when you present your designs. Plugins are
available for advanced photorealistic rendering in addition to the
built-in rendering styles. There are few architectural tools, however; a
wall tool and house wizard are two noticeable omissions that would have
given this software an even more powerful edge.
the best CAD software, SketchUp Pro has the best editing tools and
features. The focus of SketchUp's features are mainly geared toward 3D
designing, but SketchUp Pro still has the same tools as 2D CAD software.
Useful features include color and text editing and a layer manger.
Editing is even easier due to the number of icons and toolbars you can
add to the navigation. Style, measurement and layer toolbars make
editing easier as you can quickly switch between functions and apply
styles faster.
computer-aided design software should be as intuitive as drawing with
pen and paper. SketchUp Pro is one of the easiest programs to maneuver
around on our CAD software list. Tool palettes are completely
customizable, and you can add, remove or rearrange palettes around
however you like in the software. Instead of lists of features, large
icons indicate tools which makes them fast and easy to find.
Features like the setup manager, macro recordings and import
capabilities also make working with SketchUp Pro more convenient.
SketchUp Pro does have a command line, but you may have to spend some
time researching the forum and manual to learn how to best use it. The
command line is not the most user-friendly feature of this software
Software yang sejenis dengan sketchup
1. AutoCAD
![autocad logo](
2. ArchiCAD
3. 3D Studio Max
4. Revit Architecture
5. Mental Ray
SketchUp is a free 3D modelling application from Google. It allows you to create accurate diagrams of your designs in a true 3D environment.
Program function
SketchUp from @Last Software has been driven by the growing need among design professionals for a more intuitive and accessible 3D modeling program. The core of SketchUp is an interface in which the user simply draws the edges of the desired model in 3D space and the software automatically “fills” the shapes to create 3D geometry.
History of SketchUp
There was a small company named @Last Software at Boulder, Colorado. The company was co-founded by Brad Schell and Joe Esch. And then they create SketchUp in August 2000. The tagline was ‘3D for everyone’. And we know that it is really 3D for everyone.
@Last Software then developed a plug in for Google Earth and SketchUp. Attracted by this integration of SketchUp with Google Earth, Google decided to acquire this company on 14 March, 2006. "'What's New? Well, about the biggest thing ever: we've been Googled,'" wrote Brad Schell.
January 9, 2007 saw the release of SketchUp 6 featuring some new tools along with a Beta version of Google SketchUp LayOut.
On September 1, 2010 the latest version of SketchUp 8 was released. It has the improvements like geo location, match photo, color imagery and building maker integration.
Pros and Cons of SketchUp
PROS / Extremely intuitive layout makes SketchUp Pro one of the easiest CAD programs to use.
CONS / SketchUp Pro lacks many architectural tools like a house wizard and wall tool.
Interface and other tools
Design Tools
Editing Tools
User Interface
1. AutoCAD
![autocad logo](
3. 3D Studio Max
4. Revit Architecture
5. Mental Ray
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