Senin, 24 Oktober 2016


1. What is Sketchup?
a. Student"s game
b. 3D modeling computer program for a wide range of drawing applications
c. To draw 2D modeling
d. To draw rectangle
e. To draw triangle

2. The function of line tool 
a. to make rectagle
b. to make circle
c. to design a house
d. to make a straight line
e. to make triangle

3. When did google sketchup established?
a. May 2000
b. Januari 1999
c. August 2000
d. Januari 2000
e. December 1999

4. Who first bought sketchup?
a. @last software
b. apple
c. samsung
d. microsoft
e. oppo

5. the co-founder of sketchup
a. Tommy hallen
b. Jonathan lee
c. Brad Schell and Joe Esch
d. Jake Broad and Lee Jay
e. John Allen

6. What is the function of paint bucket?
a. to make line
b. to select the shape
c. to colour the shape
d. to make circle
e. to make rectangle

7. The paid version of sketchup
a. sketchup 1
b. sketchup 7
c. sketchup pro
d. sketchup 5
e. sketchup 9

8. Function of free hand di sketchup
a. To make free line
b. to make circle
c. to make triangle
d. to make rectangle
e. to make polygon

9."This allows the user to scribble and create a freehand figure." is the function of
a. line
b. freehand
c. polygon
d. circle
e. 3D text

10. These are drawing tools, except...
a. line
b. rectangle
c. circle
d. polygon
e. push and pull

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